The college library boasts of a copious assemblage of technical books and subscribes to a wide range of leading journals and magazines. Our students are getting the added benefit of National/International Journals through net facilities of the University Campus, Kariavattom. This burgeoning collection is one of the largest among the established technical institutions in the State Capital. Our Library is computerized in housekeeping operations. It is the first automated library among the various Engineering College Libraries in Kerala.
Our library is well stocked with a good number of books related to various branches of Engineering and related disciplines. The library has separate lending and reference sections with a vast area of titles under all disciplines. Library access is available to all the students and staff of this college during working hours on all working days. The journal section subscribes major technical periodicals. The Library contributes to the fulfillment of Our Institution’s mission by selecting, acquiring, organizing, maintaining and making accessible a collection of printed and non-printed, primary and secondary materials that will support the educational, research and public service programmes of both students and faculty.The College Library consists of the following sections
• Book lending section
After becoming the member, each student can borrow 3 books at a time and can retain the books for a period of 30 days; the books have to be returned /renewed before the due date. Teaching fraternity can borrow 08 books at a time.
• Reference section
A large number of Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Dictionaries, books to prepare for competitive examinations like GATE and GRE are also stocked and other reference aids are available in the Library
• Current periodicals section
• Reading room
• Internet facility
E-Library offers free high speed internet facility to the user to access the online resources subscribed, the access to this section restricted by the login.
Total number is 15000 in the following subjects.
(a) Computer science.
(b) Electronics and Communication.
(c) Information Technology.
38 ( National journals and International journals)
Non Book Materials
Magazines and newspapers-10
Working Hours of Library
Monday to Friday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturdays, Sundays, Govt. Holidays and Institution Holidays : Not Functioning