Why an IEEE Student branch?
IEEE members can access information on local events and activities by signing into IEEE Collabratec, an integrated multi-functional platform and global network of technology-focused professionals, leveraging IEEE's extensive knowledge base and community of thought-leaders. Student Branches provide an opportunity for IEEE Student members to begin networking in their areas of interest and future profession. There are over 2,000 Student Branches in over 100 countries, globally.
Once signed in, users can:
•Network with other technology professionals
• Establish a professional profile highlighting your accomplishments
• Join and participate in discussions on various technical interests
• Create a group to share and collaborate on projects
• Discover IEEE events and activities throughout the world
• Student IEEE branch has access to funding that helps the group organize events and help students have access to scholarships and awards.
• Participate in regional conferences, workshops and competitions
• Develop leadership, interpersonal and team building skills
• Participate in awards, scholarships and project/design programs and student paper contests
• Access IEEE online services and resources
Membership benefits
IEEE membership offers access to technical innovation, cutting-edge information, networking opportunities, and exclusive member benefits. Members support IEEE's mission to advance technology for humanity and the profession, while memberships build a platform to introduce careers in technology to students around the world.
Membership includes subscription to IEEE Spectrum magazine which includes the Institute, electronic access to IEEE Potentials, IEEE Collabratec, inclusion in the IEEE Member Directory, members-only IEEE.tv programming, an exclusive ieee.org email account, discounts on products and services, continuing education, philanthropic opportunities, and more.