The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a private organization of the parent of all students of the University College of Engineering, Kariavattam and the teaching faculties. It’s a very active organization working in the college to provide a common forum for interaction of parents and teachers so as to improve the facilities and infrastructure for academic excellence. The objective includes the development, improvement and promotion of the University College of Engineering, Kerala. It also provides special and essential services to the students. .

The functioning of PTA is based on the draft bye-law formulated by the University of Kerala. Accordingly the day to day activities of the PTA is guided and controlled by the Executive Committee. If any bye-law amendment is needed it can be discussed, finalized and forward to the university for the approval.

The Present Executive Committee

Executive MembersDesignationContact Number
Dr. Bisharathu Beevi A.Principal 9496102279
Sri.M.B Reghunadan Nair Vice President9744413723
Smt. Sabeena A.S(Secretary )Asst Professor,Dept of Information Technology9946559271
Smt. Gee Vargeese Panicker(Joint Secretary)Executive Member,S6 CSE 9946980511
Sri.Drishya S S(Treasurer)Asst Professor Dept of Information Technology9645144222
Sri.6 Sajan VeloorExecutive Member,S8 ITCSE9645144222
Sri. Ashok kumar Executive Member,S6CS9447427219
Smt. Subha MenonExecutive Member,S6EC9995109270
Sri. Reghunadan NairExecutive Member,S4IT9744413723
Sri. Gee Vargeese Panicker Executive Member,S4CS9946980511
Smt. Beena Y.B Executive Member,S1S2CS9495546577
Sri. Sunil.T.S Executive Member,S1S2IT9961437163
Sri.SureshExecutive Member S12 ECE9496734094
Smt.Sarala DeviS12 IT8848119437
Smt.ResmiS12 CSE9025950946
Smt.Saina A RUG DEAN9447218206
Smt.Sangeetha S NairHOD IT9447125125
Smt.IndusaliniHOD ECE9388011160
Smt.Divya D THOD CSE9656468540
Smt.Rohini P SStaff Representative,AP in ECE8129602033

A large number of developmental programs have been taken up under of patronage of the PTA for the benefit of students and staff.

Below are the major activities implemented by PTA during 2020-2021

Financial Assistance for the Hand Sanitizer Project
Met the expense of printing of identity card for the students
Met the expenses for installation and maintenance of water purifier and cooler in the first year departments as well as in the main block
Financial assistance for plumbing, minor civil and electrical works in the college
Financial assistance for the maintenance of class rooms
Payment met for the Annual general body and First year Inauguration Program
Financial assistance for Football and Cricket tournament
Financial assistance for Kerala University Youth festival
Financial Assistance for Sajay Memorial Scholorship
Payment for free KEAM Entrance Coaching
Payment for KEAM Study Materials and Uploaded in College website.
Advance Payment given for purchasing hardware lab equiments.

Major academic activities from PTA:

Rewarding students who secured highest position in academics, technical events, sports and Arts
Meeting the expenses towards sending the student’s progress report to parents
Conducting orientation program for first year students
Financial Assistance for the submission of AICTE documents
Financial Assistance for ACE and Renvenza arts and cultural festival
Payment for the Guest faculty in English and Physics
Payment for Conducting interview in Physical Education
Payment for accompanying staffs for Industrial Visit
Expense for the refreshment of University Lab examinations
Providing Photostat machine for student’s purpose
Financial assistance to activities like NSS, College Election, Sports and Arts festivals
Sponsorship for students participating in Technical Seminars/Conferences outside the college
Payment for the removal of e waste from various labs, library etc
Payment for the Digital signature of Principal for AICTE extension of approval process
Advance payment for purchasing items(sanitizer,glouse for exam cell

Other Expenses by PTA:

Payment given for the diesel bill of college bus
Remuneration to casual labour
Remuneration for the EPF remittance of contract employees
Payment for the auditor’s remuneration for PTA

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